エルベテーク 12項
- ①まず、しっかり見る、聞く姿勢を育てることが最優先。注意深く見たり、聞いたりすることにより、細かな違いにも気がつき、さまざまな物事を認識し、話の内容を理解できる。そして、関心のない物事に対しても注意を向けることができる姿勢づくり。
- ②指示を理解し、行動でき、指示されたことをやりとげること。
- ③自分本位の感情や行動をコントロールすること。
- ④自分の持ち物、教具、教材を正しく大切に扱うこと。
- ⑤あいさつを始めとするコミュニケーションのとり方と「しなくてはならないこと、してはいけないこと」を知り、行動すること。
- ⑥初めての状況でも、まず自分で考え工夫すること。また必要に応じて援助を求められること。そして自信をもつこと。
- ⑦自分でテーマを見つけ、時間をかけてそれと取り組むプロセスに充実感をおぼえられること。
- ⑧役割と責任を知り行動すること。他者と協調、協力して生活すること。
- ⑨話し合いに参加し、自分の考えをわかりやすく話すこと。
- ⑩数の概念、形、算数に関する基本的な語彙を理解すること。生活のなかで数や形をイメージしながら過ごせること。
- ⑪ひらがなを始め文字を読んだり書いたりすること。そして興味をもって本を読むこと。
- ⑫以上のことをふだんの生活のなかで行うことにより、有意義な時間を過ごし、そして自ら学び、考え、判断し、自分自身で世界を広げていけるように。
Élevé Théque12 Sets of Achievements
~Skills and Abilities We Teach~
- Perception
- Each child develops the ability to actively and carefully look and listen.
- Each child hones his/her observation and analytical skills.
- Each child acquires the aptitude to retain focus.
- Each child gains the ability to pay attention to a variety of things, including those that are non-preferred.
- Comprehension
- Each child develops the ability to comprehend spoken and written words while recognizing details, similarities,and differences.
- Each child becomes able to understand and follow instructions, and successfully complete given tasks.
- Self-Control
- Each child learns to control emotional and behavioral impulses.
- Each child produces situationally-appropriate behavior.
- Care
- Each child develops the ability to care for and organize personal belongings and things surrounding him/her.
- Communication
- Each child becomes able to effectively communicate with others, and use proper greetings in a variety of situations.
- Each child understands and adheres to rules and learns what is expected of him/her.
- Autonomy
- Each child develops independent thought and action.
- Each child acquires awareness of when to ask for help.
- Each child becomes able to solve problems him/herself.
- Each child gains confidence in his/her ability.
- Self-Determination
- Each child takes the initiative to engage in a variety of activities.
- Each child gains satisfaction from the pursuit of his/her own interests.
- Responsibility
- Each child understands and adapts to his/her role at home and at school, and within society.
- Each child becomes able to effectively cooperate with those around him/her.
- Participation
- Each child actively involves him/herself in discussions.
- Each child expresses opinions clearly and concretely.
- Mathematics
- Each child gains knowledge of basic mathematical vocabulary and the concept of numbers and shapes, and utilizes the knowledge in his/her daily life.
- Literacy
- Each child develops the skills to proficiently read and write.
- Each child develops interest in reading.
- Success
- Each child utilizes the aforementioned skills and abilities, and becomes able to meaningfully and independently learn, think, and make decisions.
- Each child successfully widens his/her perspectives and increases his/her opportunities.